Shin Splints

Shin Splints, or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, refer to the common condition felt as an aching pain along the shin bone. It is the result of exerting too much force on the muscles too fast and can be felt after strenuous activities. Such an example may include runners who suddenly increase their distance or change the surface they run on.

Shin Splints - Image from Google images - Image for Educational and Informative purposes only


Shin splints may be caused by multiple factors. Some of them may include:

  • Overpronation or flat feet which strain the muscle
  • Weak stabilizing muscles
  • Inadequate stretching
  • Improper footwear
  • Excessive stress placed on one leg

When a runner attempts a longer distance run or change their route to run on different terrain, they may develop shin splints. This is because the muscles are over-stressed and not yet acclimated to the changes.


Symptoms are indicators of a problem and for shin splints, some of them may include:

  • An aching pain at the shin bone
  • Pain when the muscles are used
  • A pain that feels worse in the morning

Additionally, symptoms of shin splints may worsen with increased activity intensity and duration.


For anyone who has shin splints and partakes in constant physical activity, such as runners, orthotics and the proper footwear are highly effective long-term solutions.

  • Custom orthotics work by supporting the body’s frame through the foot. This is done by realigning the ankle and lower legs in order to correct the motion of the foot. In the case of flat feet, Rite Gait’s handcrafted custom orthotics will be designed to control overpronation while stabilizing the muscles. They will be optimized to help your feet properly perform shock absorption both while standing as well as  during activities such as walking and running.
  • The proper footwear is important in the treatment of flat feet. Specifically, the footwear must stabilize the heel, have a well-cushioned sole to absorb impact during walking and running, and be comfortable for the wearer.

At Rite Gait, our pedorthists will handcraft your custom orthotics and help you find the perfect footwear in order to treat flat feet. Additionally, if we don’t already carry the perfect footwear to suit your needs, we can make modifications using the onsite lab.


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