Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is Latin for “inflammation of the plantar fascia”. The plantar fascia is a thick, inelastic ligament that connects the heel bone to the toes. In fact, it is responsible for forming the arch of your foot and acts as a natural shock-absorbing mechanism. The inflammation (and pain) is caused by micro-tears that occur when the plantar fascia is overused or overstretched. It is commonly felt as a sharp heel pain in the morning during the first steps out of bed and a dull ache throughout the day.

Plantar Fasciitis - Image from A.D.A.M. - - Image for Educational & Informative purposes only


Seen in both men and women, plantar fasciitis is a common foot complaint treated at our clinic. It is caused by an overstretched or overused plantar fascia – the thick band that connects the heel bone to the toes. This overuse may be caused by many factors, some of which may include:

  • Sudden weight gain
  • Running (long distances, over uneven surfaces, downhill, etc.)
  • Walking or standing for long hours
  • Inadequate or improper stretching
  • Wearing shoes with inadequate or improper support and shock absorption
  • Foot arch problems such as flat feet or high arches
  • Pregnancy

All these factors may lead to micro-tearing of the plantar fascia, which is when the ligament gets inflamed and you feel pain.

Plantar Fasciitis - Image from A.D.A.M. - - Image for Educational & Informative purposes only


Symptoms are indicators of a problem and for plantar fasciitis, some of them may include:

  • A tight feeling in the heel area
  • A sharp pain in the heel area after prolonged rest periods
  • A dull pain throughout the day
  • Heel spurs

Plantar fasciitis is felt most in the morning because the ligament slightly contracts as you sleep. When you take those first steps, there is a high traction on the plantar fascia and the ligament is forced to expand quickly. A combination of quick expansion and improper stretching causes the micro-tears.


Initial relief of plantar fasciitis can be obtained through a combination of foot stretching exercises, ice and rest. For a long term solution, custom orthotics and the correct footwear are recommended.

  • Custom orthotics work by supporting the body’s frame through the foot. This is done by realigning the ankle and lower legs in order to correct the motion of the foot. In the case of plantar fasciitis, custom orthotics will prevent over-pronation from occurring, which in turn stops the micro-tears from happening. This allows your foot to heal and the pain to go away.
  • The proper footwear is important in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Specifically, the footwear must be supportive and have a sole which allows the motion of the foot to happen without over-pronation.

At Rite Gait, our pedorthists will handcraft your custom orthotics and help you find the perfect footwear in order to treat Plantar Fasciitis. Additionally, if we don’t already carry the perfect footwear to suit your needs, we can make modifications using the onsite lab.



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