Patellar Tendinopathy

Patellar Tendinopathy, sometimes called Jumper’s knee, refers to an injury to the patella tendon, the tendon that connects the patella (knee cap) to the tibia (shin bone). The patella tendon works similar to a pulley as it provides a mechanical advantage to the quadriceps. Due to this design, activities that place a high stress on the quadriceps and the patella tendon, such as running and jumping, can lead to overuse and pain.

Patella Tendon Diagram - Image from - Image for Educational and Informative purposes only


Patellar tendinopathy can be the result of multiple factors. Some of them may include:

  • Improper and inadequate support when jumping and running
  • Continuously playing stop-and-go sports that involve a lot of jumping, such as basketball
  • Repetitive running or jumping on hard surfaces

Patients with weak and inflexible quadriceps are at a higher risk for developing patellar tendinopathy as the patella tendon is now forced to work harder (and absorb more stress) during activities such as running and jumping. Additionally, a lack of exercise and stretching can lead to weak and inflexible quadriceps.


Symptoms are indicators of a problem and for patellar tendinopathy, some of them may include:

  • Pain in the area of the patella tendon – just below knee cap
  • Pain that worsens with activities that include running and jumping
  • Tendon feels stiff after prolonged periods of rest
  • Affected tendon may seem thicker and wider than the other one

Additionally, the patellar tendon will feel raw to the touch in the affected area. This feeling may become more intense as sport activity is intensified and should get better with the proper rest and treatment.


First steps towards healing the patellar tendon include exercises designed to strengthen and improve the flexibility of the quadriceps and a healthy amount of rest. Additionally, using mild bracing support customized to your activities and lifestyle is recommended before restarting activity. Please visit Rite Gait to have an assessment done and to find your perfect bracing support.


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