By: Sara John, C.Ped (C)., C.Ped Tech (C)


The primary purpose of footwear is to protect the foot and prevent injury. To meet this purpose, it should fit well.

Usually, shoes are incorrectly chosen based only on how stylish they are. When selecting footwear, the most important factor to look for is comfort. A simple question that can be asked is, “how comfortable are these shoes?” or “would it hurt my feet?’.  A comfortable shoe should not hurt. Instead, it should conform to the shape of your foot and not vice versa. The foot should not be forced to conform to the shape of the shoe. Soreness, blisters, calluses, bunions, hammertoes etc are usually the result of crowding of the feet in shoes that don’t fit well.

People of all ages and gender can experience foot, ankle or leg pain. Wearing good footwear with proper support to feet and ankles is a must to avoid potential health problems.  Some professions like hairdressers, cashiers, teachers, nurses, construction workers, factory workers, servers etc require prolonged standing or walking. Long periods of standing can lead to muscle fatigue which leads to abnormal wear and tear of muscles, joints, ligaments etc thus resulting in repetitive strain and overuse injuries. Orthopedic shoes provide support and relief from pain for people suffering from pain which can make it difficult for them to walk and do their normal activities.

There are several characteristics which make orthopedic shoes different from other shoes. The heel counter is extra firm and stable, and the height of the heel is not more than an inch. Wider toe box helps eliminate pinching, thus enabling the toes to wiggle in the shoes. Available in different widths, the broad toe shape of the shoe helps to accommodate forefoot shape and deformities. The base is broad in order to give stability, and has laces or Velcro to secure the foot inside the shoe. Additionally, the shoe does not bend or twist easily - it bends only at the ball of the foot and not in the middle.  Finally, the liner of the shoe is removable so that orthotics can be worn for maximum comfort and support.

Attractive comfortable footwear with good support in various colors are available for children and adults alike.

Tips for choosing the proper footwear:

  • Shoes should be not be selected by size number alone. Buy one that fits your feet well as there is size variation with different brands.
  • Do not buy shoes that feel tight. There can be pain while the foot tries to stretch and push to fit into the shoe. It should be comfortable from day one.
  • Select a shoe that conforms as closely as possible to the shape of the foot.
  • Have the feet measured each time you buy shoes, as the size changes as we age.
  • Because the feet may vary in size, the length and width of each foot should be measured.
  • The measurement should be done in a standing position, as the feet expand when bearing weight.
  • If one foot is larger than the other, get a shoe that fits the larger one. The smaller shoe can be modified.
  • Walk around to make sure of the fit and comfort.
  • Make sure the heel does not slip out of the back of the shoe.
  • There should be approximately ½ “ of space in the shoe beyond the longest toe to help stretching the foot comfortably while walking.
  • The toe box should be spacious, but not too much as to make the feet slide around in the shoes causing abrasions or blisters.
  • Swelling during the course of the day can cause enlargement of the feet. Therefore, the ideal time to measure and purchase footwear is towards the end of the day.


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